Tag: Suddenlies

Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part One

Be impressed “Upon” by Me. Let not the fingerprints of others upon your life supersede the fingerprint of life I have laid indelibly upon your heart…you are imprinted into the very palm of My hand (Isaiah 49:16).


The Lord, A Revealer Of Secret Mysteries

Yes, you have the thoughts and intents of My heart; but still I am a mysterious and sovereign God. I do mysterious things in mystifying ways and I have come to mystify you…to baffle you with My amazing love. Many “suddenlies” will happen in the most unlikely places…in the most unlikely circumstances. I want you to be one who looks for the silver lining…the mystery in all things. I am indeed mysterious but at the same time I reveal unsearchable things you know not (Jeremiah 33:3)