Tag: Whispers

Under God’s Banner of Love

Beloved, My banner over you is love. Banners are proclamations, bold statements of fact displayed over people, places and things. They are My indisputable declarations meant for all to see. When you heard My Word and accepted My truth, I placed a seal upon you, a seal of ownership (Ephesians. It is I who makes you stand for I have put My seal within your heart as a deposit of what is and what is to come (2 Corn. 1:22, 2 Corns. 5:4-5).


Arise, Prophesy To Your Dry Bones

You must trust Me and My Word. I am asking you to dance among the dry bones of your life…dance among the dry bonds of unfulfilled dreams and desires. I am asking you to speak words of faith to them. I am asking you to have hope on this side of the Red Sea. Not one syllable of My Word given to you ever returns void.


Jesus Sweet Whispers Of Love

“My child, My Beloved, come. Come … Yes, come and taste the clear waters of My unfailing love, and you will be refreshed. Forget the troubles of the world. Be drenched with My love now poured out (Romans 5:5).


The Watchman Has The Keys To Open The Door

Beloved, you are the watchman…the gatekeeper of your own heart…your own personal sheepfold. It is up to you to open the gates of your life and heart in order for Me to have complete access. Yes, I dwell in you; but, I never force you into anything. Sometimes I allow things because I long to have your complete attention and affections; but, the choice is still yours at all times. It is called free will. It doesn’t take much movement on your part to draw Me into the sheepfold of your heart. Just a breath whispering My name is enough.


Holy Spirit Whispers

I placed you within My garden and I have always been with you. I surround you and I have been watching your development with great anticipation as I wait for your complete emergence (Psalms 125:2). I have and am pulling away every hindering strand of your cocoon one filament at a time. I know sometimes it seems almost at a standstill. Have you ever seen slow motion photography as a flower unfolds? It is the same for you. Sometimes it seems very slow and at others it seems as if things suddenly appear. Every filament removed has a progressively larger affect. After all, I am the God of multiplication.